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fhjobs.ch is the leading job platform of  UAS SWITZERLAND for graduates of universities of applied sciences. In collaboration with Jobchannel and Jobeagle, specialists in targeted recruitment, we offer daily updated job adverts and Jobstories™. With direct communication to over 60,000 members and over 20,000 page views per month on associated sites such as fhschweiz.ch, fhnews.ch and others, fhjobs.ch offers companies an excellent platform to attract UAS graduates for vacancies and draw attention to themselves.


Job adverts with top listing

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Employer Branding

Presentation under Top-Companies & Bannering

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Recruiting & Employer Branding

Create JobStories™

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Key-Facts zu fhjobs.ch


Page views:
- fhjobs.ch: 2000 hits/month
- fhnews.ch: 6000 hits/month
- fhmaster.ch: 2000 hits/month
- and other sites

Job subscriptions:
- over 1100 on fhjobs.ch

- up to 39,000 addresses depending on targeting

Job adverts across all pages:
- Page Views: over 10 000/month 
- Job ad impressions: over 85 000/month
- Job ad views: over 5800/month
- CTR (to job ad impressions) = 6.60 %

Top companies:
- fhjobs.ch: 2000 views/month
- fhschweiz.ch: 20 000 views/month

- up to 18 000 impressions/month

Extended reach and specific targeting possible by arrangement.
Contact: Alan Stamberger


Selma Ajradini
Responsible Administration fhjobs.ch

Alan Stamberger
Responsible for the platform fhjobs.ch